- Scroll: Since the website completely fails in iPad iPod etc, I'm wondering if I should really revert the site back to the ordinary scroll bar method... or simply create another version for them touchscreen devices.
- What do you mean by the pages don't degrade gracefully?
- Green page: YES! I will really have to fix that! With a lighter green like you said, or at least with some colors in it. I feel like the page is too green, a bit too hard to read. But haven't gotten an idea on how to fix it yet :\
Degrade gracefully means if javascript is not enabled for some reason or the client browser is choking on the script you have alternate methods to view the page.
Basically that means you write the page in css and html first and make sure it looks ok. If that works you manipulate that base with your javascript. That way, if javascript does not load, they can still navigate the page.
Usually this is not a problem but from what I have seen on postings on job openings, people do look for it. If you install one of the browser developer extensions you can easily turn javascript on and off and see if your page degrades gracefully.
As an example for this page:
What you can do for your website page is, create a basic blank page with all your websites listed in one long line.
put the entire list in a
<div id="basicpage"> full list of stuff here</div>
Then with jquery
So if the page loads with javascript enabled it would replace everything in the <div> tag with nothing and they can see the fancy stuff you presented. If javascript doesnt load at least they can still see your webpages.
This is an oversimplification but you can get the idea.