music hosting site in the making....


New Member
what sites do you frequent to download free albums from local / underground musicians?

Those that may not know me personally (which makes up 100% of you) I'm a graphic designer / musician / web developer, and I'm feeling ambitious--

I'm currently working on development for a site that offers free album download hosting for artists/bands that join as members-- concert promotion, album promotion and short artist bio info will also be provided as a free service.
I'm going for something simple and streamlined, without the bombardment of advertising, additional apps and extra bells and whistles of myspace, garageband, or reverbnation.

just a simple, functional site to host underground musicians' free releases, and promote upcoming releases and concerts.

I'm looking for reference material...

post or send me PM's with links, or suggestions! :D


New Member
The only issue I can think of is how would you pay for it? A hosting site would go through a lot of bandwidth, and I'm curious how you could keep the site going without all the ads.


New Member
ads are a definite possibility... down the road-- honestly, there are several ways to monetize the site once it is crawling with users... charge for ads, charge membership for artists, set downloading and/or hosting limits, and charge only if exceeded... etc...

but, that is not a concern for the moment-- I am primarily concern with getting it populated with users...

as far as bandwidth, I have unlimited hosting space and bandwidth through business account at hostgator. A separate project is sustaining the cost, and I am simply looking to supply a free service for the music scene at the moment.


Super Moderator
Staff member does it great, for free, no ads
you can upload full wave files and bandcamp encodes all the different versions for you for people to download.

check it out!


New Member
Sounds like a great idea and I deffinitly would like to see it soon. Regarding a video player I have a suggestion:

It support all major video/audio files and it's really easy to install.Playlist & Player are fully customizable and you can add videos or music from Vimeo or Youtube.

Best of luck,