Multiple MP3 player buttons


New Member
Hi all,

I have a need to display a list of musicians on a web page with a separate MP3 player "button" (2 states - Play and Pause only) beside each one that will play a sample of the musicians' music. I want the playback to be mutually exclusive so that only one song is playing at a time (think's MP3 preview functionality).

I downloaded and tested a number of "simple" MP3 player controls, but none of them gave me the ability to stop playing one song when another was started. Then I found Wimpy Button and the Wimpy Bridge script and I was :D. I had the demo version hooked up and working in no time. So I went to purchase the full version. Then I read the EULA :eek:! The EULA does not allow their controls to be used for any commercial purposes, which is what I need it for.

So, the question is, what are my alternatives? I'm not very well versed in Flash, so building my own component is probably out of the question. I'm amazed that there aren't a ton of other "button" MP3 players out there that are capable of interacting with one another in this way. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



I'm not sure where you can find many free flash music players.

But, You can try finding one at Flashden. They have over 277 music players that are only a few bucks.


New Member
Thanks zach. I'm not necessarily in need of a free player. I'd be happy to pay a reasonable price for a commercial product since I need to use it in a commercial web site.

I've looked through a bunch of the players at flashden, but nothing seems to fit the bill for what I want to do. Most of them are either playlist-style players (which I can't use) or, the ones that will play a single MP3 either don't support just a single button that toggles between play and stop or they're not controllable as a group (when one starts playing, the other one stops automatically). Those are the two keys to what I need. Even if it means I have to write some custom javascript code, that's fine, but the control needs to provide an event callout (like onClick) and a "stop" function that can be called from javascript, which I haven't seen (and frankly don't know if it's even possible with Flash components?)