Migrating from FrontPage to ....


New Member
Hi ... need confirmation that migrating from FrontPage to more up-to-date design software, such as Expression Web, is an enormous amount of work and will take time. My site has 2500 text content pages, give or take. Currently in html and css. Is there hope? Any iideas, suggests, cheap shots at my naivete -- all equally appreciated at this point. Ugh! Thanks.
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New Member
Why not jump ahead to the leaders in site building software, Dream Weaver? I just priced Expression Web 2 after it was suggested to me in my other thread. It was about the same price as Dream Weaver and its from Microsoft... Ik! When it come to internet I try to avoid Microsoft as much as possible.

Do not believe the myth that Dream Weaver is hard to learn. It doesnt take long to elarn to build good html/css sites with javascript. I am a sluggish student and spend little time studying. Yet, I was able to learn enough in Dream Weaver to begin building sites within 2 months. I was able to teach my busy boss all she needed to know to maintain her site with DW in just a couple weeks.

At least give it a try before you buy anything else.

Keep in mind that I learned web design with Dream Weaver. The 2months I spent learning DW was also spent learning everything else that is needed to build a web site. After you learn your way around the program you will have an easy time picking up on things.
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