Yes, not all works quite well yet, and I must add lots of content, but I just started and I'm working on it... hope to have more in a few weeks...
And is that not why you came here? Try not to be offended. We're an honest bunch here. You'll find few designs, no matter how good, that have been posted here that don't contain some sort of criticism.
Mouseover effects are great. I use them in some form or fashion in most of my designs. However, they can usually be achieved with simple CSS hovers, and the more complicated ones with a little JavaScript.
I don't know AS personally, but I assure you, there is nothing simpler than coding HTML/CSS.
There's a lot of pushback against Flash for user experience reasons. First off, file sizes for flash are almost always considerably larger. If I'm not playing a flash-based game, I really don't want to see a loading screen, and most web users would agree. Secondly, you will run into a lot of issues with users being simply unable to view your all. Not everyone keeps their flash up to date. Not everyone, particularly a large portion of your mobile market, has it. Third, search engines hate it. This means people will have a hard time finding you, which defeats the purpose of having a website.
On the splash page and resolution. These are relics of a bygone era where designers didn't know how, or were unable to include everyone in their designs. And I say good riddance. The point of good web design is to get your information in front of as many people as possible.
With that, the grunge style of your design is interesting, but the implementation of it needs some work where usability is concerned.