Looking for an experienced web designer -- A few questions need answering


New Member


I'm working with a web designer to create a website for (the following information is totally irrelevant but I'm sharing it with you anyway) a guild called Ascension for the upcoming video game Final Fantasy XIV: Online

He is experienced in "client side" scripting but is new to "server side" scripting. Since I only design the graphics, I have no idea what he's talking about. Anyway, I digress.

The point is, I want to help him in the process. I've been searching the web for codes of what I'm looking for but I haven't come across much luck. I sent the following message to him to tell him what I'm expecting:

DKP Spreadsheet
DKP Program (?)

GUILD WEBSITES that we should take a look at

-Link Forums as a user database.
Use these forums: http://www.vbulletin.com/
Use this to incorporate it: http://www.vbadvanced.com/

Possible Buttons to add:
-[Break Down Ascension Button?] About Us; Charter; Roster; Officers; Etc.
-Media :: Videos; Screenshots

Widgets + Side Panels to Add:
-"Now Recruiting:" List
-User Menu
-Who's on vent
-Who's logged into the site
Examples: http://www.finalfantasy14-online.com/forum/

-Add a small 7-day calendar above the first news bullitin. This way we can just put a "view full calendar" button and remove the one from the navigation bar.

Updated Shoutbox Code for Ascension
<!-- Begin ShoutMix - http://www.shoutmix.com -->
<iframe title="ascensionadmin" src="http://www5.shoutmix.com/?ascensionadmin" width="146" height="400" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto">
<a href="http://www5.shoutmix.com/?ascensionadmin">View shoutbox</a>
<br /><a href="http://www.shoutmix.com" title="Get your own free shoutbox chat widget at ShoutMix!">ShoutMix chat widget</a><br />
<!-- End ShoutMix -->

Again, let me get to the point. I'm hoping you guys can help me out by pointing me in the right direction to find some codes for this.

So here we go:
-We're using http://www.vbulletin.com/ to make the forum/user database.
-I need to make the navigation bars collapsible.
-I need to find a code for a 7-day calendar.
-I need to find a code/way so that the news appearing on the font page comes directly from a certain forum. (E.g. When I post in the "Front Page" forum section, it appears there.)

Here's where you guys can help me out even more!
-Give me some feedback on the Website interface.
-For those of you who have been in video game guilds before (I'm assuming this is a good place to ask :p) what are some more important things to put on the front bar? Choose from the list below:

Forums - These will only be viewable to users that myself and the other admins give access to. They will not be available to anyone who is just prospecting the guild. I'm wondering if I should even keep it up there if it's only going to be available to a select few.

Calendar - Will be used as an important feature for planning events and raids. I'm wondering if I can just put a link on the 7-day calendar on the main page that will bring the user to a full view rather than taking up a spot on the navigation bar.

FAQ - Self Explanatory.

Recruitment/Enlist - Goes to a page that tells about our recruitment policy as well as an application page.

Ascension (Drop-down menu) - [About Us, The Council (Officer biographies and roles), Members(Roster), Charter(Policies and Rules)] I'm wondering if I should just make these on the navigation bar. What do you think?

IRC - Again, will only be available to members with given access.

So, thank you for those of you who actually took the time to read this, any help at all will be MUCH appreciated. For those of you seeking a reward, I have no problem adding your name to the finished product as well as a link to your services for your guidance. Again, thank you all.




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Staff member
As far as collapsible drop downs, have you looked at jquery? or even telerik?

If the forum is only available to those who have access (granted by you or another admin) then I would remove that and show it when a [granted] user logs in. How do they register for the forums? That should be the link that is there all the time, imo.

Design wise, I think the site lacks a little flow. I like the hand image, but the navigation bar is very heavy. I think the logo could use a little more work as well. The "A" symbol is nice but why the blurr? There needs to be more of a visual break between the collapsing menu on the left and the body text. Maybe even just a white border line, I am not sure? I think part of the problem there is the body text is center aligned, why not traditional left align?

I do like the black background though, maybe you could introduce some subtle gradient in with it? Maybe something like an emanating glow from the hands?