Little div problem


New Member
Hello, I made a layout with divs:

I want to accomplish that the outer div resizes to the size of the content div. If you scroll down now, you'll notice that the wrapper div stops at 100% of the viewer port, but I want it to include the complete content div. I used absolute positioning for the top image to go under the content div and the menu.

A second question: I don't want to create each page with the menu inside. I'd like to use a "iframe-like" method, so I have the content in seperate files, and the index page as frame to hold the layout of the site and the menu. What would be the most user-friendly way to do this?


New Member
I think, if you make a footer div tag after your bottom div, before the end of the wrapper div and give it a style of clear:both, it should do the trick.


New Member
Thanks Janja, but this doesn't seem to work. Doesn't this only work on floating divs? The top, bottom and content divs are floating, but the contentwrapper div is absolute positioned, since it has to come over the header div (the image of the header has to come "under" the contentwrapper div).


New Member
Dont use abs pos! Learn what its useful for, and use it for that only!!!!!!!
How can I accomplish what I want without abs pos, then? Basically: have one div OVER another one, everything centered on my page? Can you show me an example of that?