Layout problem


New Member
I'm having a problem with something that seems like it should be simple, but so far isn't.

I'm working on a simple one column design, but I'd like to include photos with captions underneath inside the column with the text wrapping around them. If that makes sense.

The photos I did pretty easily with the float:right command, but I can't find anyway to place the captions under the photo while still keeping the first line of text and the top of the photo even. I'm pretty new to this, so I'm probably just missing some obvious CSS command I don't know about.

Any help would be appreciated!


New Member
Attaching captions to images

It seems to me that you could solve your problem by putting the image and your caption inside a <div class="photo">. In your CSS, set a width for that div which allows for the width of the image plus any padding and border, and you can float the div either to left or right.


New Member
Thanks for the advice! Seems to work great, now my only problem is that the padding property doesn't seem to work on the side of the picture that meets the text, but I'm sure I'll figure that one out.