Layout cell warping.


New Member
Hello, I'm new here(hi!) and also new to web design. I'm having a problem where my layout cells are warping, or moving from position when viewed in the browser.

I am using Dreamweaver CS3. So basically I'm just laying down layout tables and cells over a tracing image, but when I preview the site in browser the cells have moved around, or changed dimensions. As I am new I have no idea if it's a problem with nesting, browser compatibility(it views different on chrome and IE), or another problem.

I have uploaded it to the following address for viewing.

Any other helpful tips are more than welcome.


New Member
The only difference I see is in internet explorer, and luckily it's not that bad. I checked FF/chrome/opera and safari. I think what you will have to do is write a style sheet specifically targeting IE.

Use conditional comments to target IE7 and lower. I know you said you are quite new to html/css so I would suggest using and to help with the basics.

Then, google search "write a style sheet to target internet explorer".

It will sound confusing at first, but hang in there and it will all start to come together. Feel free to contact me if you need further help. Good luck!


New Member
Thank you very much anna :), but I actually figured it out(eventually). It actually was a nesting issue. I created layout tables around the cells and it got fixed. It looks ok now on both my browsers!