New Member
I know VERY little about Html and Php. But I made a pretty unique site anyway. Please let me know how I can improve. I will be on here a lot trying to figure out how to write and apply Php scripts. So message me or something if you can help me..i need it.
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New Member
The page is really slow, and the banner is way to big. When I load the page all I can see is the banner and the navigation bit. What would do you a lot of good though is just to change the font color. The dark gray on black makes it a little too difficult to read! :)


New Member
The bright red background is really in your face when the page starts to load. So maybe choose a different color for the background?

Only half the navigation menu appears to be working, you may need to fix that. Other than that seems like your off to an alright start. Just keep practicing. ;)



New Member
Thank you both. The red IS kind of intense. I realize that, I had it on white and it didn't look right, then i tried black and everything kind of ran together.

And the navigation thing, only half of it works, i have NO clue why. Thought someone would be able to tell me. That's why i added the drop-down nav menu on the right side, the sidebar. All those links work. And as for the font, im going keep the dark Grey. I think its fairly easy to read and gives it a professional look.

So thank you for the feed. I will try different color schemes for backgrounds and fonts. And the banner, i will mess around with the page template.

Let me know if there is anything else I can change. Much appreciated.