JS Menu breaking


New Member
Hey all, I am hoping for some tips on how I might fix my JavaScript drop down menu, its my first time working with one this complicated -

Issue- upon hovering over the options "search engine optimization" - under "services" & "Logos" under "portfolio" the drop down list disappears/breaks-

It is happening in both Firefox and IE for me (Windows 7 OS)

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated-

Click my signature to visit site and see problem in action


New Member
There might be an element in front which is causing the menu item to throw on onmouseout event and close the menu.

It's hard to say without having access to all the files and spending time reading through your menu script.


New Member
Leroy is right. It seems to only happen when I roll over the text, but not the <li>'s background. Maybe try just replacing that one particulae <li> with an image rather than text. That would be a cheap and nasty way to solve the problem.
