Javascript giving me the chills


New Member
Hi there, first of all - forgive a newbie to this forum starting off with a help request..

Anyway, I'm building a website via PHP, HTML, CSS and javascript. Everything is fine so far except there's a javascript function that just wont work. Thing is, viewing this script alone, it works just fine...

Script in working form
Script in applied form (should be viewable in the logo, to the left)
Javascript file found here

I've got several other javascripts working just fine on the site (i.e the menu), so it can't be because javascript isn't allowed.

Need help on this one, all help is welcome :)
Also, if you need anything else in your "investigation" just ask


New Member
Well, it seems pretty much identical on both pages, so I'm not quite sure. This bit, however needs to be in between the head tags!

<link rel="StyleSheet" href="bildspel2.css" type="text/css" />

And just for curiosity sake, why can't you access the page from just without adding index.php?

'Vad tycker du om våran nya sida?' Sjer ikke så dårlig ut! Svenska digge CS litt for my ;)


New Member
Well, it seems pretty much identical on both pages, so I'm not quite sure. This bit, however needs to be in between the head tags!

<link rel="StyleSheet" href="bildspel2.css" type="text/css" />

And just for curiosity sake, why can't you access the page from just without adding index.php?

'Vad tycker du om våran nya sida?' Sjer ikke så dårlig ut! Svenska digge CS litt for my ;)

I know! thats the thing that disturbs me.. it's identical, reached through php: include(aktuellt2.php);
but it wont work on the index page! :(

<link rel="... now between <head> tags, did not work :/

The reason u wont reach index.php by writing is simply because it isnt finished yet, and therefore not yet released :) (index.html is used instead)

Glad you like my design :D