Java/Conditional Comment/CSS Question


New Member
Hi all,

I am using a conditional comment to direct IE6 users to a special style sheet. In my template I am using a couple project 7 widgets, and I'm not sure if I have to write a separate style sheet for each of those widgits or if I can include them in the IE6 style sheet.

Does my question make sense?


New Member
You again :)

You can just throw all specific CSS into the document (if I am understanding your question correctly).

If you can post up the CSS I can better understand.


Super Moderator
Staff member
If the widgets are able to be styled through css, you should have no problem just adding the given styles to the IE6 sheet.

Only benefit to separating would be for organizational purposes (but then you would be linking more files)


New Member
Yes, bcee, it's me again... This forum would be so empty without my spunky sass, though. :D


New Member
Not complaining :)

As PP said if they require a lot of CSS it would be easier, though not necessary, to contain them in separate docs.