Itunes Store-like font?


New Member
Hey there!

I would like to get a text style like the one the itunes store uses:


Is there any way to do that just by using css? I think I have seen a tutorial on that a while ago.
Suggestions very welcome :)

Thanks in advance, guys.


New Member
well the looks of it yes, its just web 2.0 on an os commerce site. google is awesome for finding stuff like that.


New Member
Well, I wouldn't post here if I hadn't asked google - I am not exactly looking for the font or how to create a similar effect in photoshop - I just want it in css :)


New Member
sadly in css no. the most i can say is that you can do it by having the same word layered 3 times just slightly offset by one or two pixels, but you can't get that depth out of it. you're pretty much stuck with just having to have a graphic. also, just in case you do want to know ... the closest font to that is Machinato.