Intro page / splash screen


New Member
I'm trying to replicate certain Flash sites that have an initial display that has "Enter site" or something that loads the site when you click it.

Right now I have my main div for the page and a separate div for the intro page. When the page loads, the intro div is displayed, and upon being clicked, a simple JavaScript function swaps the visibility of the two divs.

The problem however, is that every time the user clicks the "home" link, they are shown that intro page. What I need is to only show that intro page the first time the user visits the site in a particular session. I think a cookie script is required.


New Member
sessions would be more appropriate than cookies.


if(@$_SESSION['views']==1) include 'normalpage.php';
   include 'splashscreen.php';

sessions will last untill the browser is closed