Info please


New Member
Hi There...
I was wondering if any of you might know where I can find a website builder that can accommodate my needs, but also be easy for me to maneuver like a "wysiwyg."

I want to build a site that is similar to one of these: or

I want the site to be three-fold... 1. a wedding planning site for brides with the ability for them to create their own wedding planning page. 2. a vendor site... where the vendors (photographers, dj's, etc.) will have a dashboard... be able to upload images and advertise themselves to the brides. and 3. a medium between the two (client and vendor) to possibly match them up.

I would anticipate that after it's up for a while... there could possibly be a few hundred brides and vendors... so having the ability to have multiple pages, etc is important.

Any ideas???
Thanks so much
Debi :)


New Member
Um, I don't think that would be possible with a website builder. You would need some coding knowledge. Did you ever think about hiring? Contact me for details.


Love the siggy change benjamin. Also debbi I second what benjamin says. You're not going to be able to accomplish something like this with WYSIWYG software. If you're willing you should learn coding, if you're not willing then you should hire someone that does this kind of thing for a living.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Suspecting you're a new business owner looking to open your website on a very tight budget (correct me if I'm wrong on that), I'm going to suggest the following:

1. Hire a freelance designer or a firm. It's hard to think of a website this way, but it's one of the more important tools a business has nowadays. Consider it an investment in marketing, because that's what it is. A properly designed/coded website would be 1000 times more effective than something slapped together in some random WYSIWYG editor. Between a freelancer or a firm is up to you, but you may fit your budget a little better with a freelancer. Try or

2. Consider hiring a student. A lot of web design students have been doing it for years, but just want to be able to throw a degree on their resume. Most would be happy to take the work at a budget price. Beware, however of how long it may take them to complete the project.

3. If you're determined to not hire someone, consider using a content management system, I suggest Wordpress or Joomla, coupled with the plethora of incredibly cheap or even free themes that are out there for just such a business.

4. Whatever route you take, don't buy into the SEO snake oil. Well coded websites with well written copy that are pleasing to the eye are what you'll need to be successful. Underhanded tactics to accelerate your site to the top of rankings only to be later pushed down or removed by Google are not.


New Member
Hi guys!

Thanks for the info. I suspected that may be the case since I wasn't finding anything in my searches. GoDaddy tried to tell me it was just "forms" that the bride or the vendor would be filling out, and that their platform would work. But I didn't see how it could.

So Ben... or whoever... if someone designed it, would there be a way for me to manage it? such as changing content like newsletters, text, images??? Is there something like that? What would something like that run? I like the look of this site but possibly on a smaller scale, but still with the ability to grow if needed. If you google "wedding planning websites" there will be several main sites that come up (The Knot, Brides, Wedding Wire, etc) They all have similar abilities, forms, search, etc... (some of them have WAY too much info) and some have exclusive abilities (for lack of a better word) like one that has a "match" thingy that somehow matches the brides needs to the vendors abilities to create a "perfect match." LOL! I would like to find something different to include in mine. Not sure what yet... something that would make me stand out but also possibly provide additional income.

Anyways... thats what I'm looking for... and yes.. Ron... It is a new business that I am trying to branch out in to, like a retirement plan.. haha. I am a wedding photographer and I know that I will not be able to do that work forever. It's really hard on your knees and your back... so I wanted to create something like the site... but yes, on a budget.

I would love any and all ideas!
Thank you soooo much!


Using a CMS a web designer can create the site for you and you can manage all the content and images yourself without any problems. You can PM me and I'll give you any detailed info that you're wanting to know about including rates if you want them. Just as a small business owner do your research before jumping into anything big. You have to remember that with a lot of functionality there will be a higher price and thats with anyone. I suggestion to you is keep it simple, elegant, and give it something to give your competitors a run for their money.


New Member
Using a CMS a web designer can create the site for you and you can manage all the content and images yourself without any problems. You can PM me and I'll give you any detailed info that you're wanting to know about including rates if you want them. Just as a small business owner do your research before jumping into anything big. You have to remember that with a lot of functionality there will be a higher price and thats with anyone. I suggestion to you is keep it simple, elegant, and give it something to give your competitors a run for their money.

Ok... so I can't for the life of me see where to send you a message... and I don't have skype capabilities. But if any of you want to send me a quote for what I've somewhat described... I'd love to here from you.

You can email me at [email protected]
Thank you!!