Incorporating Wordpress into my site


New Member
Okay, I've had a huge headache over the last 6 hours. I have a blog website, but I don't want it to look like the normal blogs so I created my site and began trying to figure out how to make comment sections and other php related features but gave up trying to reinvent the wheel. I downloaded Wordpress 2.8.5 and I have no idea what do do from here. A major problem I have been experiencing is connecting Dreamweaver MX to a database. My hosting on Fatcow provides MySQL management so I set up a database there. The ReadMe that came with the Wordpress download mentioned in step two to establish a connection with my database. Can someone explain to me how I first establish a connection with my database and then turn my previous html/css site into my new Wordpress php site? I haven't touched a single file in the 2.8.5 download yet and my original site is still in another folder.