Image display in different browsers

AD Design

New Member
Hello all. I am having some difficulty with image display in Safari. The image shows up fine in Firefox and Netscape (Macintosh platform at least), but in Safari I am getting the blue ? box. I've checked the source code, renamed the image, re-inserted the image, re-worked the page and it's still showing up as the ? in Safari. Initially it wasn't showing up in any of the browsers, but now it's just Safari. Anyhow, does anyone have any suggestions as to why this might be happening? Does Safari have some kind of quark to it that I'm unaware of? I have a feeling my code is a bit shaky since I'm new to this and I'm relying heavily on Dreamweaver to code for me. But it's working correctly in the other browsers?

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

Thank you.



New Member
Did you get this fixed? Off the top of my head it sounds like it may have been a cache-ing issue (assuming you were using a single computer to view in all browsers).
If it's still a problem, please post a url so we can take a look. :)

AD Design

New Member

Yes. I figured out I had to refresh the page about 3 times and everything looked right. Thanks for the help.



New Member
just for future reference (Iknow you've solved your problem,) some browsers only refresh images on a page when the page itself needs to be refreshed. So if you encounter this problem again then try resaving the page that the image is on to force the browser to reload it from your server.