im new here


New Member
In my opinion it's too busy. Your eye never focuses any thing. The nav is just kind of buried in everything else that is going on.


New Member
yeah.. i agree, what do you think i should put my pages in a drop down menu or something? Thanks for your ideas


New Member
Well i noticed in looking through your code that you use a Site builder does it allow you to resize the nav menu and make it bigger. That would one step in the right direction. Also take some of the pics off. I see you have a section for pictures I would just keep them there. Maybe one image to go with the text. For instance, say you have an about page. Have your text describing who you are and what you do and maybe a pic of you and your crew. 10 pics of a driveway construction job is overkill, save those pics for your projects and or pics page. Also I know you want to use some adverts to generate revenue but that add space on the right is entirely too large and looks out of place. I would try and shrink it down a bit if you can.


New Member
yes, i can resize the nav menu. we have been considering if we should take some of the pics off of the info. pages like the home, about pages. Thank you very much for your time and advice.


New Member
I'm going to be honest here, and I don't intend to sound mean, but I think your site could use a major overhaul.

If that is a company website, I think the company should dish out a few hundred or thousand dollars to get a modern professional layout made.


New Member
The banner/logo at the top and the navigation should be larger. That should help somewhat with the focal point issue. The pictures seem a bit disjointed. The light blue that you've included in the navigation bar makes it seem a bit too retro. And the spinning flash animation looks like it was just included because someone found out how to do it.

Increase the size of the top banner/logo and navigation and I think you'd see a great improvement.



New Member
I see you started making some changes on your site. Starting to look better already. I was bored this morning so I threw this together just to give you an idea of how you can clean your site up, what your nav should resemble (doesn't have to look like what I used but it should be prominent like the one i used). Instead of the cross type nav you have you could do horizontal and then on something like the projects page add a vertical nav to the left with your sub pages, pics, videos, etc. Also you should definitely use size attributes on your images in your footer. The scroll bar on the paypal image looks bad.