IE and Safari?


New Member
so i have a site with an iframe, and black scrollbar. Both these behaviors do not work in safari on in ie. im pretty sure this is coding related. any ideas how i can get it to work on both browsers the same?



Super Moderator
Staff member
where in relation to the image do you want to lock the iframe? to the left? right? over the top?


Super Moderator
Staff member
For example, if you wanted to lock the iframe over the image, one method would look something like this:

div.frame {
   width: 759px; 
   height: 474px;
   position: absolute;
   left: 50%;
   top: 50%;
   margin-left: -380px;  
   margin-top: -237px;

CSS Explained
When using absolute position the "auto" setting for margins will not work. Instead I use the left and top values. By using percentages (%) i can be sure the the left and top edges will always be 50% of the browser window width and height (center). Now the only problem here is, I dont want theedges to be in the center, I want the actual center of the div to be in center (so it is truly "centered"). To do this I offset the left and top margins. Remember I only said the "auto" setting will not work, declared values are still fair game. To get the correct value for centering the div/iframe, I will use a negative offset value that is half of the width (margin-left) and another that is half of the height (margin-top). This moves the left and top edges half the distance of the div width and height, in turn centering it in the middle of the window. Whalah!
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