IE alignment issues


New Member
Hello, everyone! I'm in school for Graphic Design, and in my current class, we're required to create a portfolio website. Web design is not, and probably never will be, my forte, and I have almost no experience with it, but I have managed to get a decent site (not great, but decent) up and running. The problem is, in Safari and FF, everything looks fine, but in IE8, the sidebar on my About Me page (which should be flush with the navigation tabs) has a rather sizable margin up above, allowing the background image to show through. Also, in older versions of IE, there is a white line between the background image and the navigation tabs, and the text is running off the page on the Services page.

Here is the link: About Me

I've tried changing and removing references to margins and padding, putting them back in, adding inline-block to the sidebar CSS, removing page breaks, and just about everything else I've come across in Google to fix it, but nothing has worked, so if anyone could offer any insight into the problems, I'd greatly appreciate it. It's supposed to be done by tomorrow, and I don't know what else to try.

Thanks so much!


New Member
Thanks for the reply, bcee! Yes, I did run it through validation--both HTML and CSS. CSS validation didn't show any errors, but HTML showed 7 errors for closing brackets it said I had omitted, which I hadn't. I'm using DW, and I didn't input anything manually in those places. Are those the errors you're referring to? Did you spot others?


New Member

try to give the space to the text not with <p>&nbsp;</p>

but with padding or with margin in css


New Member
Bluecollar, thanks for the link--I've bookmarked it! The class is over now, but it's good information to have. :)

Elcape, I'll do that in the future. Thanks for the tip!