IE adds linebreak?


New Member
I am not sure why IE renders the page differently, but there is a .css trick that can help resolve the issue.

Basically if you start a style tag with an * then firefox ignores it, but IE doesn't. This allows you to easily tweak the .css for IE.

If you want margin 10px in Firefox but 20px in IE then do it as follows:

#myId {

For your site add the following to your .css and it should solve the issue (not tested):

#bHome {



New Member
i appreciate the help, but that looks like it would actually break the page due to some of the functionality

Can you give me some more info as to why this would break your page ?

Anyway the code was meant as a guide more than anything else, my main point is that I have often noticed these subtle differences between IE and Firefox and I find using the css trick a great help.