I want to become a web designer! need your advice


New Member
Hello - sorry If this is in the wrong section! pre-warning this might be long, and maybe even boring.

I seriously want to become a web designer, its my dream! I want to create something that will make people say WOW! and I will one day, i know it. Anthony Robbins says if you want to learn something, then simply ask the experts, and thats why im here!

but where the hell do I start!

I spent like 2-3 months trying to learn about SEO, but realized I didnt know how to make a website in the first place. (well atleast one good enough to my standards)

So I realized that this is what I want to do as a career, So I need to start learning this stuff from the ground up. im 21 years old right now!

Im working and studying (will finish studying by June 2011)

So right now im basically trying to learn HTML from a book in my spare time.

I did a bit of research by looking at job vacancies for web designers, and found the most common skills required. these were:

Content Management Systems
SEO is a bonus/

now my plan is to learn these things in the order outlined above, But I am wondering is this the wisest thing to do?

is this the fastest most efficient way of doing things?

Is it even possible to become highly skilled at all of the above. I once heard a quote that said "it is better to be great at a few things rather then good at many"

So should I bother to learn all of the above?

My main goal is basically to be able to create websites for myself (NOT CLIENTS) and become self employed, selling affiliate products, and implementing SEO strategies. maybe even selling ebooks.

I suppose I would like to work for a web design company part time though, just so that a % of my income would be guaranteed. (been self employed before, in an offline business. stressful thing, not having a guaranteed income, a lot of sleepless nights!)

I would sincerely appreciate any form of feedback, thoughts & input. would be MUCH appreciated,

kind regards


New Member
Most real firms seperate tasks out. You have a web team (photoshop/xhtml/css), and a programming team. Most freelancers learn photoshop/xhtml/css and minimal js(enough to get by, or integrate) and CMS's have gotten easier to integrate without knowing PHP.

So I personally agree with the idea that it's better to be good in one area. If design is your thing, learn it well, and partner with someone who does programming or vice-versa.

At 21, you should be old enough to realize whether or not your artistically talented, if you're not - learn xhtml well, then move to js/php. Skip photoshop. Don't try to be something your not. Too many sites out there suffer from people who think they're designers.


New Member
wow, invaluable info right their! thanks man! If i wasn't in so much debt I would even have paid you for that info!!!

I am good at design, And I am definitely HUNGRY to learn more. willing to put in years and years of learning if I have too. I dont mind not earning anything for the next 10 years just so I can be good at this, because this is what I want to do.

interesting to know that firms have different teams (developers vs designers)

I am most definitely better at design then I am at developing. I have designed posters and album covers etc for people.

I would like to be a freelance web designer. So im going to stick to your suggestion of learning HTML/XHTML/CSS/ minimal Javascript / Photoshop & Dreamweaver.

thanks again bruce :)

Bass player

New Member
There are multiple ways you can achieve this. You can learn in a school and read books on html, photoshop and dreamweaver or whatever else you think you might need to learn. You could also learn from a friend or a mentor if you have one.