Hello everybody.
What i want to know is just a simple and realistic opinion.
I just got a job offer to do a web-site...to be exact...The Foreign Ministry web-site...from a country.
I am a begginer in webpage design...and havent been involved in a big project.
I am supposed to start the project in september or october....I want to know how much time does it take to make a web-site similar to this:
Is it possible to learn in 3 moths all it takes to complete such a task?
The client requiers it to be slightly better than the one listed above...and have security.
As i said i am a begginer...
I am student at the electronics and telecomunications faculty...and i do know some medium programming in C language.I haven't been working with databases.
So...this what i'm asking...can it be done...?
What does a website like this supposed to contain?
Please....be as honest and as frank as possible.I do want to do this right...if it can be done by me.
Thank you!
What i want to know is just a simple and realistic opinion.
I just got a job offer to do a web-site...to be exact...The Foreign Ministry web-site...from a country.
I am a begginer in webpage design...and havent been involved in a big project.
I am supposed to start the project in september or october....I want to know how much time does it take to make a web-site similar to this:
Is it possible to learn in 3 moths all it takes to complete such a task?
The client requiers it to be slightly better than the one listed above...and have security.
As i said i am a begginer...
I am student at the electronics and telecomunications faculty...and i do know some medium programming in C language.I haven't been working with databases.
So...this what i'm asking...can it be done...?
What does a website like this supposed to contain?
Please....be as honest and as frank as possible.I do want to do this right...if it can be done by me.
Thank you!