I need help making a deal website


New Member
Hi, I am new to the forum. I am working on building a basic website and need a little help.

I want to make a deal website with a layout similar to these sites:


or like


I will be making essentially a deal type site. I need help finding a decent template/design to use for my site.

Your help will be greatly appreciated.


New Member
Nobody else responding so I figure I might as well. I think most of those sites are just really heavily modded blogs. I've tinkered with that as well - I wanted to make a deal site so I started modding out a blog on wordpress. You can get one for super cheap right now on bluehost - they recently added a simple scripts function which is basically a one click solution for adding a blog to your website. It's pretty awesome. I got the deal from another blog http://www.bestofthewebhosts.com/blog/?p=52 which basically will save you $72 bucks on one of the best hosting companies out there. It ends up being $4.95 a month for unlimited bandwidth and storage which you'll need if your deal site gets big.