How to Zoom in a web page


New Member
Pls can anyone help me with zooming-in a web page. My website at www(.)internetvisa(.)net is too big for my liking.


New Member
if you are developing on .net, there is a technology called silverlight.
there are quick development softwares for silverligt plugins. that can help you achive to zoom in 1000 times into an image :)

else if its a php or html, do a google for jquery image zoom script, you will find many!



New Member
Hello Friends......

#You want to zoom your Web Page. You need to have mouse with three buttons, usually there are two buttons on the mouse, but these instructions will work only on the mouse of three buttons.
#Open a Web Page, because you will zoom in thw Web Page.
#Press (Ctrl) button that will be on the Keyboard. Don't leave this button until you zoom the size of a Web Page.
