how to stop sticky footer from moving up ???


New Member
Hey, I am trying to get a photo to stop moving up after a certain point when you make the window smaller (the sticky footer)
this is the page we made (trial version)

It works ok on
the newest ie on pc
and firefox on mac and pc

the code we used is min-height

in safari and on the old versions of ie the photo at the bottom comes up over the blue back part if you resize the window smaller

does anyone know how we can fix this?
It has to be online by saturday
thanks in advance


New Member
in firefox it looks like this:


in the older IE it looks like this:

sorry, it's difficult to explain !!! :)


New Member
This really weired
question i am sure how to fix it though i would be interesting to read all the inputs................................

thanks a lot ......................:)

god bless!!!!!!!!!!!!
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