How to start with webdesign?


New Member
Hi all,

I've a questions.

I like webdesign, and i realy want to learn webdesign.
so my basic question is wich software do you need? just call them all.
I already have Dreamweaver CS5 so thats a start.
Wich software do i need more? just call them, i've sites that just can learn me.

Thanks, - sorry for bad english btw. :eek:


New Member
Hi and welcome to the forum.

I'm not sure what your budget is, but I would recommend Adobe CS5 web premium or design premium. You'll also need an FTP client. If you have a mac, I'd recommend Cyberduck(free), or if you have a windows machine I'd recommend Filezilla (also free).



New Member
you can get by with:

Adobe dreamweaver- for layout

Adobe photoshop- for graphics

& one of the FTP clients Lou mentioned above

Bump it up a notch with:

Adobe Illustrator

& thats a good start- Personally I don't think you will need 50% of the stuff in the web premium package, especially as an entry level designer.

Check out also for really good tutorials, some are free (mostly the intro ones)


Dreamweaver has a built-in FTP client, but if you download Filezilla, it has a few features that are missing from DW - such as full recursive file/directory chmodding (permissions).

As for gfx, Fireworks has a good balance of bitmap and vector features. It is also the best software for compressing files to the smallest file size.

For theory, improve your english as the best resources don't come in foreign languages. I'd suggest frequenting sites such as,, and There also a great primer site for a formal introduction to web design at

If you prefer studyig books over web tutorials, has a terrific collection of books for web designers. Sitepoint is a very popular resource amongst designers and developers.