how to make an image rotate like a record/vinyl playing on a turntable??


New Member
This is my first post and im basically have been using photoshop and dreamweaver the past 3 weeks and already ive an assignment in college to create our own 3 page website.

i have access to the adobe master suite, im only saying this because i may have to use other adobe features for my project that i may be unaware of..

basically i want to have a turn table image, and then i want to have a record/vinyl rotating like its playing. im not too sure if i use flash or something here??

i then want to have a media player on the page aswell and i want to have 3 buttons on the turntable that will activate play stop and this possible also?

im not too sure if im going way over my head with this idea or not as im still a very new rookie to this...

any suggestions would help me out a great deal



New Member
Yes, you would have to use flash for this, and I personally think you shouldn't use this for your assignment. It's some pretty advanced stuff. Do this, but do it as a personal side project, you will learn a lot.


New Member
yeah i was thinking it could be complicated alright. Ive figured out how to rotate the record now tho using flash.

now i am wanting to create a play, stop, rewind and fast forward button to control the media player which i will put in the centre of the record.

the play, stop, rewind and fastford buttons will be on the turntable so i am just looking to see how this can be done...

more googling ahead ;-)