How to deny access to a folder


New Member
Thank you.
I dont have any web design training. Just got the software needed and have been slowing learning how to use it.

Can you suggest the proper values to use? I have played around with CHMOD already but I wound up denying access to everything within the directory not just to that only level of my site.

If I changed the permission to for the directory every image, site wide, that was stored in that directory was blocked.


New Member
use a javascript redirect code

A very simple way to do this is to create an index.html page in the folder that you want to keep people out of that has a JavaScript re-direct code in it that will redirect to the homepage when the someone types in the url of the folder.

For example, you have You want to keep someone out of the images folder. With a java script redirect code you can do this easily. It will redirect from to (your homepage).

The code looks like:

<script type="text/javascript">
window.location = ""

Paste this in the head section of the index.html page you create in the folder you wish to block, replacing with your URL. (Leave the http://, it is needed to find the site.


New Member
pjm, Great suggestion. Thank you for that code. Putting it someplace safe right now. I have used a similar tech with an index.html that said "click here to return to the home page."

You code is much better tho. Thank you.