How Much Do I Charge! Im a newbie


New Member
I just started a web design business. I have a bunch of clients now.
I have no idea how much is the right amount to charge. I was winging it before... I think giving people a great deal! I need help

Also, I am doing a wedding band with a "diva" singer.
How many renditions can she have? She will ask me to do changes to her picture over 10 times!!!

Everything on this site I created....
Except Photo


Super Moderator
Staff member
Like I stated before, if your are to be designing websites for clients I believe it is best to be up to speed with the latest web building languages...but i digress.

As far as what to does depend on what they want to do with their website. Is it just a flat site (like online brochure) or will there be animation, shopping carts, CMS? All these items need to be dicussed with your client(s) so you have idea of where they want to go with their site, you know? For simple design of a site I usually charge around $100/page.