How do you convince someone they should have their website re-done?


New Member
Hi Everyone,

I was surfing the net today and happened to come across a local website that is outdated and poorly designed.
I want to e-mail this business to see if they would like a website makeover but I don't really know what to say that would 'convince' them that this could be good for their business without sounding cocky or stupid ( I'm not so good with words ). Does anyone have any ideas as to what I could say?


New Member
First off introduce yourself and give a little information.

Then say something nice about their existing site along the lines of 'I say your site, while blah is good, it could do with a little updating...'

Then either show they a quick mock up of what you could do or show they some of your portfolio.

End with, let me know if you are interested and we can arrange a quick meeting to discuss....



New Member
Instead of an email.. which will get deleted asap pretty much cause your trying to sell something. Write a letter and place it in the mail to them. Include some sample urls to see and cost is this $$ and up.

After a week and no reply follow up with an email or even a phone call.