How do I make a website like this?


New Member
is there anyone that could point me in the right direction on how to create a website like this what software to use?

sample website:

I have to create an online directory so each associate has:
- their own page that includes their name, location, picture (and other details)
- a searchable way to find them in the website (based on name and/or location).
- also a knowledgbase where customers can ask questions and get answers from the associates.

Would wordpress be able to do this? Or magento? Or just custom scripts? If so, which website has the scripts to create this?

Thank you!


Super Moderator
Staff member
If you want something that works exactly like you are wanting, it'd be better to go with something custom. The site you linked to is a Rails-based app that appears to be custom.

That said, Joomla does have the ability to have a page for members of the backend system. Maybe give that a look.


New Member
thank you for your reply!i am researching joomla. for the custom scripts, are there websites that you know of that have scripts like this already made?


Super Moderator
Staff member
There might be, but in the end you'll be shoehorning what you want into something just like you would be with Joomla. If you're a designer and this is for a client, I suggest outsourcing a custom job. If you're the owner, trying to save money, and can't be convinced to hire someone, Joomla's probably your best bet. It isn't designed to do what you're looking for, but it can be forced to do it.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Theres a system i use which does this exactly, but it aint cheap! (elcom)
Another system i use which can do it (with a bit of messing around) again not particularly cheap (business catalyst)
You could do it with joomla as well, but would use some creative brainpower to make it function effectively.


I would be very, very surprised if you couldn't find a CMS with a plugin that gets you damn close to what you want. Here's a couple of reasons why I wouldn't go for a custom build:
Expensive to extend. Any functionality you want to add on you have to build from scratch as there would be no plugins to bolt on.
Eggs in one basket. You become very much reliant on the one person who has built the system - great for them but not for you.


New Member
ronaldroe: i will check joomla, thank you!

phreaddee: thank you i wlll check out elcom and business catalyst.

sdesign: I completely agree, I would think something like this is already made I just have to do some research. And I do already know website design, which is helpful so I do not want someone else to be able to update it, I want complete control. Do you think I should do a search for "cms free" or what do you think I should type in to find a program that could do this? Do you think joomla could?

my boss also just requested to have advertisements throughout the website, of the vendors that we use. sort of like how this website has various ads on it. Do you know of anything that could have advertisements as well as question/answer/knowledgbase section?

are there any more recommendations for programs that could do this? wordpress?

Thank you so much for your input it is very much appreciated!