We've contracted a company in India to redesign our company website
ie cheap???
Does the design of the site come out at you as being unique?
no, tis quite dull and nothing new there to excite me.
Does it draw you in? Does it give appear to be a professional site?
not really, do you sell helicopters???
it has that boring corporate look, which I guess works for some people.
and in that sense than yes it could be professional. but the red/green I dont think works for that design. what are your corporate colours, are they also rebranding you as well because that logo is *yawn*...
What's your honest opinion of this site?
I'd see what else they can come up with, after all, there cheap right? either change the colour scheme, or work with the colour scheme, red/green is quite a contrast and is difficult to do well. and with the white in it reminds me of 1. minties, 2. italy. i'd also make the stock bar up the top not an afterthought, and work it into the design IF it is an important and functional item.
it needs more white space, and the image does not need to be that large. get creative with the banner instead of the boring as shit same old size, function etc etc. apart from filling up the screen what else does it do? nothing, a waste of space and therefore not good design.
the reds are all different shades, when what you are more likely after is tints. you have a very cold red above the map, yet a warm red for the headers and the contact hover. its not an exact contrast either so it looks disjointed. then the random blue titles confuse me and there is too much grey... and the fonts are all over the shop.
try this out for size. a "good" color wheel.
Also, does anyone know of any good web design companies based overseas?
well where are you based?, I'm based in Australia, so for me USA is overseas...and vice verca.