Honest comments please - something a little different!


New Member
Hi Guys

Id like to get some honest feedback from all you folks on our new website.

We've tried to do something that puts a different slant on the sitemap/navigation thing which hopefully aids usability and user routing. (although maybe not, and that what i want to know for you guys!). The concept being when choosing a page you can always see every page on offer, and how they fit in the overall structure of the site.

The site is fully accesible, works well with screen readers, tabbing order works etc etc... We've tried really hard to ensure this works on most modern browsers ans degrades for others (very old) browsers.

My personal opinion is that this you'll either love the site or hate it with not many people sitting on the fence...

...anyway enough of the chat...look forward to hearing your comment!




New Member
Hi Mike,
Neat idea. Not crazy about the small type (or maybe it's just me and my bad eyes or bad browser). Kind of static. Would like to see each block explode to a larger scale when "moused over" (is that a term?) . . . just a thought.
I think it has potential. . . but not sold on it as it stands.

Rich, aka Zipman


New Member
Very unique layout, why does the whole thing pop up as opposed to just that button or whatever? The font is way too small, I would double the size.


New Member
I also don't like that the whole thing pops up. I find it distracting. I would also prefer to not have the menu cover the content I am looking at. I would put the menu outside of the content area and have each button pop up individually.

It's certainly innovative though.


New Member
i love it its awesome font is kinda small though and some favicons would look cool ( i think thats what they are called) in each "cell" the fact that it pops out at ya is cool too imo
it would be an awesome idea for the periodic table of elements each little cell links you to info on that element