Hi Experts: Unwanted margin, please help

new web designer here with a problem that will probably make you laugh it's so simple...

If you go to this site: www.amyrmartin.com you'll see that at the top there is white space around the pink, but only on the homepage. The other site pages have no white space. Is there some default margin I don't know about? How can I get rid of the white space and make the pink take up 100% of width?

Also, if you want to indulge me, I am wondering why the FONT ON THE LINKBAR changes with each site page. You'll see on the homepage that it is slightly larger than on the other pages.

Thank you in advance for your help.


New Member
There are two problems with your site:

1) Your style.css has the style tags in it. You only need the style tags when you are embedding style in the html. So your style sheet for the main page is not being applied. Remove the following from you style.css file:

From the top of the file remove:

<style type="text/css">

From the bottom remove:

2) You other pages don't use the style.css. It lools like your other pages have the css embedded. Hence the dirrerence between them and the main page. This will work but will give you a headache to maintain. If you want to change the style of something you will have to modify each individual page. You be better off removing the embedded stlye and using your style.css file in all pages.



New Member
Glad that sorted your problem. I noticed something else with your site. In your meta tags you have double sets of quotes eg.

<meta name="keywords" content="amy r. martin, "amy r. martin", Amy R. Martin, Amy R. Martin, amy martin....

I am not 100% sure but I think this could cause problems for crawlers etc. because the red quote will actually close the content quote. It should probably be like this:

<meta name="keywords" content="amy r. martin, 'amy r. martin', Amy R.....
