I'm not keen on the 'poster' style you have for your header graphic. And the text style doesn't really fit the context of the business. Having everything centre aligned makes it look a bit disjointed, especially when the footer is in view. Maybe keep your header centred and your footer, but not your content. Any reason why that footer isn't on just one line? Take your menu out of the main content area and put it in with your header graphic, make it stand out more. Maybe pull out those 2 buttons from the left blue banner and put them in the gap on the left of your header. Then lose the blue banner. It could look quite nice having those buttons highlighted in your header, if that's a feature of your business. Format your tables a bit better, having thick white shadowed borders makes it look dated. Remove the cell padding. Maybe use a pale grey. Maybe use a colour other than black for bold/header text. Your pages also need consistency, some have titles, some don't. Some headers are of different sizes.