Help with scrollbars!


New Member
Using, Dreamweaver, I inserted a div style for an announcement box and I want a y scrollbar but I don't want an x scrollbar. When I type in content, there is no set character count before the next line begins, and the text continues without end so the user has to scroll with the x bar to read it all, instead of a set width. My code is:

<div style="border:black; height:250px; width:130px; overflow:auto;">
<p>This thing is a headache!<p>

Basically, if my announcement box is not as wide as "This thing is a headache!" Users have to scroll to read the rest, when I only want 12 characters before the next line begins, similar to a document with set margins. Any help is greatly appreciated!


New Member

Try changing the set width and checking that the div that it is inside doesn't have a smaller width

Also try applying {overflow:scroll;}