Help with a header


New Member
I'm in the process of designing my first site. I'm designing it using only html and css (that's all I've started to learn so far). One of the many problems that I have run into is the ability to scroll to the far right of the page on my mac or on my phone (if I zoom all the way out). What happens is the majority of the body stays at around 1024px (or whatever size the window was before I started to scroll) but the header goes to around 2500px (because thats how long I made it in order to keep it extending when i make my browser window larger). I hope I'm explaining my problem right :confused:.

If you visit the site and make the window larger and smaller it will most likely look how I'd like it to. But if you view it on your phone or on a mac or a pc that lets you scroll to the right, you will see the problem.

Do I need to make the banner 1024px wide and make a sprite that will go behind it? If so, can I make the sprite start at a certain point and only extend right?

The styling on the body is currently:
min-width: 1024px;

I appreciate any help that I can get regarding this issue!



Super Moderator
Staff member
Make your body bg a 1px slither of your header image, repeat-x.
Make your body width 100%.

Wrap the rest of your site an a container (id suggest 960px)
Centre it with margin:0 auto;

Definately dont make such a stupidly large header!...


Super Moderator
Staff member
You might also want to consider that you can only use id once in a document, and perhaps remove that silly message about js, considering its a swf...THATS why I cant see it. Flash sucks.
And whats the go with all those blank h2 + p????
Oh and remove the height on your body...