Help! Why is my page layout inconsistent?


New Member
Please could you help me figure out how to mend a glitch in my website. I'm not a web designer just a self taught beginnner so please be gentle with me!
Anyway I have created a website for my partner and I have noticed that while on some pages the vertical navigation lines up nicely with the top of the page (on my browser at least) like this:
on others it drops a centimetre or so down like this and the whole page also sits lower (as you can see by the extra cream strip at the top)
Why is this? Does anyone know what I've done wrong and how to fix it?
Thanks for your help!


New Member
Empty table rows.. might be some whitespace in there? Delete the rows or set the line-height to 0px and see if that helps :)


New Member
Thanks for the tip.
I've managed to resolve the issue with the header but I still can't get the navigation to stay in one place! On some computers at some times it shows up perfectly aligned with the main image at other times and on other computers there is a gap of a cm or more between the horizontal navigation and the top of the vertical navigation (i.e. in effect the vertical navigation is showing further down the page).
I think Leroy could be right about the empty table rows and I have changed the height to 0px but it doesn't help.
The template I am using includes the following spacer before the navigation:
<!-- Dont put anything in this cell below. its only here as a spacer, to make sure the
spiders read your content, before they read your navigation column!!!.
The width is set to 15%, the navigation cell will follow suit, as it is in the same column

<tr >
<td class="spacerbg" valign="top" height="0px" width="25%"></td>

Is there anyway I can alter that code- originally it had the height at 1px but I altered that to 0px to see if it would help.
Any ideas gratefully received!


New Member
That's the way the template I have got has the layout- I can alter things and do basic HTML but I don't know enough about webdesign to start creating my own template from scratch


Ohhhh I see... I can't really help you with layout inconsistancy because I've never used tables for layout. Sorry! All I can say is check all the styling with margins and padding to see if any of the blank space comes from that.