Help Creating Layout!


New Member
I want to make a layout similar to this site:
Craig Armstrong • Online Resource to the Work of Composer Craig Armstrong | Memory Takes My Hand | The Incredible Hulk | Winona

Is this a good process and style to create it? Im new to html, so I dont really know the in's and out's, whats good etc...
Im using dreamweaver.

-I searched a css code called "reset" that makes the margin 0 etc or something so the table or div or whatever connects to the top:
-I created a new html page called "index". And a css page and pasted the reset css code in it. I saved it as "reset". I then attached that css to "index".
-I created a simple lined background like Craig Armstrong • Online Resource to the Work of Composer Craig Armstrong | Memory Takes My Hand | The Incredible Hulk | Winona
-I created a table in "index" and aligned it to the middle. I created a css in the page to the table and coded to it and made the background black.

Now Im planning on buying either:

-When I buy that, Im not sure if itll work but Ill try and create a div and put that flash into it inside the table.

I dont know the best way to do this. Im trying to achieve the way the web site aboves layout looks like. I dont really understand how to create a layout like his. The way I did it was through the reset css and creating a table. Whats a better way? Im using dreamweaver, so yeah.

I need help. Thanks so much!


New Member
Hey Boo2Head,

If you are new to HTML, then I suggest you start with the basics, which is avoiding DIV tags in CSS, resets and all that jazz.

You can create a website using your listed format in a much easier way than stuffing around with looking fancy and using DIV tags to show off to all the W3C scientists in their darklit lonely existence.

Yes, in regards to resetting the margin, you will need to ensure the top margin is 0 in order to have the website flush against the top toolbar in the user browser. In dreamweaver, you can right click on the workspace (WYSIWYG middle section) and go to properties. Now change all the margins to 0. By Default, there is no value in these fields, which is where the issue arises.

Now you can create your centre table column by just inserting a table of 1 row and 1 column, and centering it. Each section (eg header, menu buttons, underheader image, left menu bar, content, bottom section etc) should have its own row and in some instances, these rows should be split into columns. This is how I design my sites, and they turn out perfect in all browsers.

From there you should be ready to rock and roll.

In regards to the flash menu items...personally you might as well just create a CSS rollover effect (have a look at W3C website for excellent attribute listing) than purchase a slightly more interesting menu item. Alternatively, if you are new at most of this web development stuff, get your hands on Swish. It's a very easy to use programme that creates Flash animations without having to sit there and manually tween everything and insert keyframes (BAH!). It isn't overly cheap, but in the long term, far cheaper than buying other peoples' flash menus.

Let me know if you are still having issues.

Good luck!



New Member
o0o. i just actually figured it out using css and stuff... but i have one quick question

hmmm okay.
This is what I created so far, how do I make the black (div) touch the very bottom of a page with out making a bunch of spaces? I just wanna have it so that, no matter how big someones screen is, the bottom will be connected.

oh yeah, and i used a css menu, but it wont be centered :(


New Member
Have a look through and see the attributes for centering div tags and css text. it's all there :)

Looking good. You will have to look around for CSS code on height, as far as I know, there is no way to use percentage for the height attribute in html. There may be another way.