Help Creating a Flash Intro Page


New Member
I am new to flash, and I want to create an intro page similar to the one found on Is this a custom flash? If not, what program was used to create it? Alternatively, without having to write all of the code manually, is there a good program you would recommend to create such a page? Thanks!


New Member
You probably can find someone that is selling a flash menu package (that looks like the one in question). Such packages usually gives you ability to alter text, colors, etc via xml but the swf isn't editable itself. If you can't find anything similar that someone is selling then you'll need knowledge of ActionScript, and the Adobe Flash Pro software.

Good Luck


New Member
Ideas for a good website to find flash menus?

Thanks for the input! Do you have any ideas where I might be able to purchase flash menus like that?


Super Moderator
Staff member
If the flash wasn't enough, they have a hit counter. I think a kitten just cried. :p