Header and footer codes?


New Member
I spoke to my host and they say that's all AOK to use PHP and such, and that the code is errounous (sp). I will try on my other site!


Super Moderator
Staff member
the rise comes up blank - no php support?

burning velvet is coming up with all sorts of php errors on both the header and footer files. can't really say anything more without seeing the code. if you are still having problems this weekend, get a hold of me - preferably when you have a bit of time to spare :p - and we will figure this out once and for all.

who is your host, if you don't mind me asking.


New Member
My host is easyspace.com

They say that PHP is installed and all.

I used www.w2schools.com's tutorial for PHP includes. I think it's the code.

CCount I think uses PHP.

I didn't code it so I dunno how it works but it works on the-rise...

Try googling ccount to see if that's PHP. If it is, both should support PHP...


New Member
Well you know the link you (Zkiller) sent for me to download php_test with some files?
It contained something that wasn't correct, and then I changed it to :

<?php echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?".">"; ?>

(because Zkiller told me to).

Then it worked.