
New Member
I've been working on this site for a client. This is my second website so far (I've done practice sites as well).

Tell me what you think, what you think I could improve. I only have so much time to keep working on it at this point (other projects are pressing) but I'd like to hear what you think anyways.



New Member
All I can really think of at the moment is that the background color for the smoke on the left hand side doesn't match the background color of the body. (It's very hard to see so I guess it doesn't matter much!). Also I would like to see more text on each page! Like when you click on 'what is a firestarter', two new links appear instead of each topic on top of each other. Other than that it's a really nice site, have you tried it with a white background color?


New Member
That's because the background image behind the body has another image on top of it...
Looks good, is the large date at the top really necessary? perhaps Keywords right there would be better suited


This is a really great site. One of the best things you can do now is put some good info on the about us page. Everything else is great.

I'm not sure what is going on with that order form. Why do users have to look up their own tax rate? Merchants are only required to collect sales tax in states where they own stores. Maybe Washington is different, but in every other place I've ever done business, merchants only have to pay city or county sales tax when they are shipping product into their own city or county.
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