Hi ...
Would appreciate you guys if you got a minute to take a look at my form design (for an online car insurance comparison site called CompareXpress.com) and drop me your feedback - A screencap of the form uploaded here: http://oi53.tinypic.com/2s0fi2v.jpg
I tried to design something (very) user-friendly and attractive, so then users don't get bored filling a long online form like this.
Thanks all in advance.
Schahryar Fekri
Would appreciate you guys if you got a minute to take a look at my form design (for an online car insurance comparison site called CompareXpress.com) and drop me your feedback - A screencap of the form uploaded here: http://oi53.tinypic.com/2s0fi2v.jpg
I tried to design something (very) user-friendly and attractive, so then users don't get bored filling a long online form like this.
Thanks all in advance.
Schahryar Fekri