Form Creating


New Member
Hi everyone this is my first post and I need some sage advice.

I am a complete novice at web design. I used Dreamweaver to throw up a site and was able to design a simple contact form, however I need a more complex form.

I'm hoping to create one that expands when needed to accomedate more input. It is for an insurance website and if a client has a spouse and children I would like them to be able to "add a chlid" and have a new form area appear for them to input their information.

Does anyone have any advice where a newb can learn how this is done?



New Member
Check into DW's Spry widgets; it seems to me that you could insert a collapsible panel into the form... Is that what you are looking for?


New Member
One thing that you'll quickly learn in this field is that clients will often throw you a curve ball that you weren't anticipating. When this happens, Google is your friend.

In this case, if the DW Spry Widgets doesn't work, what you'll need to do is use Javascript to modify the elements on your page. So a simple search like:

javascript form addition

would yield a nice example like this:


dynamic web form

would lead you to something like this:

Generally, almost anything you'll want to do has been done at least in part before, so honing your search skills to find solutions or near solutions is a great way to learn new techniques.


New Member
Form creation is the basic in development procedure. I suggest the tutorials available over the web.