Flash Preloaders


New Member
ok, so I have a website for a client that has an enormous amount of images, and the preloader takes forever. This is because it is loading the entire site first. Is there any way to make it load the different sections only when the user clicks on them?

I've temporarily posted it on my own website.


Thanks in advance.



New Member
I can't help with the flash preloader thing, but just a suggestion. Don't do the entire site in flash (at the very least for accessibility reasons). If your site were html that would load up no problem. If you really want to use flash just use it for the images. There are also a ton of javascript image scripts out there. Also you may want to move the menu to the top. I currently am on my laptop which has small wide screen and I had to scroll down to see the menu for a minute I thought the page was still loading because i saw no menu.

Anyway just a few suggestions. Good luck with the site.


New Member
Loading the flash is really taking forever... Besides load time, coding a site in 1 big Flash is not good for SEO either (even though there seems to be some Google API for Flash), since now search engine doesn't even know what your site is about. (cannot crawl content, no content outside the Flash page)


New Member
Well, the above comments are partly correct. While most SE's can't parse swf's yet, they're working on this. You can also use swfObject to provide alternate content in case flash isn't available (like for SE's or browsers for the visually impaired)

Flash is a great way of presenting your work if it's used properly.

The code you'll use depends on which version of actionscript you're using, though the process is the same regardless of version (in a nutshell):
1. Load an XML doc with all of your images' information (width, height, title, path, etc.)
2. Display thumbs for each gallery using an array
3. Dynamically load the full image when the thumb is clicked.

This method will make your load time sooooo much faster...Search for "flash xml image gallery" and you should find a tutorial that fits the bill.