Flash in a frying pan!


New Member
My friends have a site, http://www.ciaothyme.com that customers are complaining about. Check it out-on some moniters the business name at the top is cut off.

I'm just curious, how would this be fixed in Flash? The designers told them the site is meant to be viewed on a 15" monitor...but surely there must be a way to make it compatible with smaller monitors?

Opinions/Ideas please!



New Member
My friends have a site, http://www.ciaothyme.com that customers are complaining about. Check it out-on some moniters the business name at the top is cut off.

I'm just curious, how would this be fixed in Flash? The designers told them the site is meant to be viewed on a 15" monitor...but surely there must be a way to make it compatible with smaller monitors?

Opinions/Ideas please!


I hope you don't feed your customers what your designers are trying to feed you :)

For your designers to say the site is meant to be viewed on a 15" monitor would be reason enough for me to find new designers. The fact that they said a '15" monitor' means they probably don't have a clue what they are doing, it's got nothing to do with the monitor it's all about screen resolution. I could have a 20" monitor set to 800 X 600 resolution and your site wouldn't display correctly.

The second point is that they are talking complete bull, I am not a flash expert but I know enough about flash to know that it scales automatically. The reason your site doesn't scale is because your designers have hard coded a size to it instead of letting it size based on the browser size.

In short your designers have coded the HTML parts of your site incorrectly, they need to fix the html to either use percentages to size the flash object or make it scroll if it does not fit within the viewable area (there are other options like max-height and max-width that they can use also).

I could go on about other issues about the way they have done things, but the above should be enough for you to go back to them...

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New Member
no flash content should EVER get cut off. This is because once you place the SWF into an HTML document, the html document will provide scrolls bars to make the rest of the swf visible (sort of like placing an image in a page that is too large fore the screen: scroll bars will appear).

I think you've been hoodwinked.



New Member
I would also like to add that forcing the users browser into full screen mode....big thumbs down!!

However I am on a 19" WS here at work 1024x768 and I don't see anything cut off.

Are you sure they said it's NOT meant to be viewed on 15" monitor (not that that should ever matter) but my point is a site designed for a lower res would never be cut off if viewed at a higer res as evrything would appear smaller adding more negative space around the site itself.
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