Flash commercial disrupting site flow


New Member
Hi all,
I recently added affiliate flash commercials to my website and from have been a fluid transition between page navigations, meaning that the regular element such as header and footer remains (content doesnt change), now the entire page is refreshed every time. This crates a "flashy" effect which bugs the living jesus out of me. Is there any way to isolate a div-box to not affect the other? (all my commercials is in a div box called commercial)



New Member
Do you have a link? It would be easier to visualise the problem than read your description. It could be many things:

There is a delay with the flash loading in (how is the flash put in the page <embed> or swfobject2?)

1st frame of the flash banner has a different colour background than the holder.


New Member
I can't see any flash when the page loads apart from the obvious transitions found in the movie. I have checked in FF (Mac) and Safari (Mac) and can't see any problems. I will check in IE and Chrome on my PC later.