flash banner as background


New Member

I know nearly nothing about flash but I am making a very simple flash banner for someone. I want to put links over the banner - because I don't want to get into linking in flash... Is there Any way to put text over the banner in the webpage? Of any way to set the banner as a background image?



New Member
You could absolutely position your links over the banner I suppose, but that would be a terrible idea. The best thing to do would be set up your swf to generate links & text from an xml document


New Member
You can use CSS to position the links, but to be quite honest, I would suggest making the links in Flash as it is very simple to do. All you need to do is put in a search for actionscript 2.0 button link. This should get you started. Unless of course you are wanting the search engines to be able to see these links. If that is the case I would definitely position the flash z-index: -1 and float the link over the flash banner.


New Member
ok ill try and learn a bit of actionscript then...

at the moment all i know is "stop;"

but that will all change in time.... :)